Monday, July 19, 2010

proposal part 2

Icon Design


Screen Design

Monday, July 5, 2010

Proposal for designing a interactive application

Title:Orang Asli settlement(native people)

Design issues:
To develop a application that let people understand the life of Orang Asli and let people feel how the Orang asli live without going to the Orang Asli settlement.

Target audience: to introduce and give knowledge to all people who interest in “orang asli settlement” in Malaysia.


Orang Asli (lit, "original peoples" or "aboriginal peoples" in Malay) is a general term used for any indigenous groups that are found in Peninsular Malaysia. They are divided into three main tribal groups – Semang (negrito), Senoi, and Proto-Malay (Aboriginal Malay). The Orang Asli are further divided into 18 sub-ethnic group according to their different languages and customs. The Negritos are usually found in the northern region of the peninsula, the Senois in the central region, and the Proto-Malay in the southern region.

Orang Asli kept to themselves until the first traders from India arrived in first millennium AD. Living in the interior they bartered in land products like resins, incense woods and feathers for salt, cloth and iron tools. The rise of the Malay sultanates, coinciding with trade in Orang Asli slaves, forced the group to retreat further inland to avoid contact with outsiders. The arrival of British colonists brought further inroads in the lives of Orang Asli. They were the target of Christian missionary and subjects of anthropological research.
During the Malayan Emergency of 1948 to 1960, the Orang Asli became a vital component of national security, as with their help, the Malayan army was able to defeat the communist insurgents. Two administrative initiatives were introduced to highlight the importance of Orang Asli as well to protect its identity. The initiatives were the establishment of the Department of Aborigines in 1950, and the enactment of the Aboriginal Peoples Ordinance in 1954. After independence, the development of Orang Asli become the prime objective of the government where the government adopted a policy in 1961 to integrate the Orang Asli into the wider Malaysian society.
Within the decades of 1970s and 1980s, Malaysia was in the period of sustained growth. With development that emphasize modernization and industrialization, new lands were developed. This development has resulted in encroachments on Orang Asli land. In response of this encroachment, the Orang Asli mobilized themselves and formed the Peninsular Malaysia Orang Asli Association (POASM). With this association, the Orang Asli have become more visible and vocal. Orang Asli are now known as "Orang Kita" ('our people') since Dato' Seri Mohd. Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak introduced the "One Malaysia" concept

Slave raids into Orang Asli settlements were quite common feature back in the 18th and 19th centuries. These slave-raiders were mainly local Malays and Bataks, who considered the Orang Asli as 'kafirs', 'non-humans', 'savages' and 'jungle-beasts.The modus operandi was basically to swoop down a settlement and then kill off all the adult men. Women and children were captured alive as they are 'easier to tame.' The captives Orang Asli slaves were sold off or given to local rulers and chieftains to gain their favour. Slaves trade soon developed and even continued into the present century despite the official abolition of all forms of slavery in 1884. The derogatory term sakai is used to refer to the Orang Asli until the middle of the 20th century meant slave or dependent. Many of the elders Orang Asli still remember this sad period of their history, and they detest being called Sakai.

Orang Asli living in remote forest areas engaged in some trading with the Malays, with jungle produce being exchanged for salt, knives and metal axe-heads. There was also evidence of trade in blowpipes and blowpipe-bamboo among certain tribes. It has also been shown that the Orang Asli have played a significant role in the Malay Peninsula's economic history as collectors and primary traders as early as the 5th Century A.D. An early 19th century report also tells of Negritos providing forest products as tribute to the Malay chiefs of the river basins they resided in.

The division of Orang Asli into three categories are not due to linguistic differences but merely sociological. The Semelai language, for example, is part of the Austro-Asiatic language group, whereas the other Proto-Malay groups, such as the Temuan language, are part of the Austronesian language group. The Semelai and the majority of Orang Asli sub-ethnics speak languages classified as Aslian languages. This is further divided into the Jahaic languages (North Aslian), Senoic languages, Semelaic languages (South Aslian), and Jah Hut. The languages which fall under the Jahaic language group are the Che Wong, Jahai, Bateq, Kensiu, Kintak, and Menriq languages. The Lanoh language, Temiar language, and Semai language fall into the Senoic language category. Languages that fall into the Semelaic group include the Semelai language, Semoq Beri language, and Besisi language (language spoken by the Mah Meri group). Meanwhile, some Orang Asli minorities speak languages classified as Aboriginal Malay languages. This includes the Jakun and Temuan languages among others.
Besides these, most Orang Aslis are fluent in the Malay language, the official language of Malaysia.

Lifestyle and religion
Orang Asli are traditionally animists, where they believe in the presence of spirits in various objects.[9] However, in the 21st century, many of them have embraced monotheistic religions such as Islam and Christianity following some active state-sponsored dakwah by Muslims, and evangelism by Christian missionaries.
In June 2007, an Orang Asli church was allegedly torn down by the government in Gua Musang, Kelantan. As of 2008, a suit has been filed against the authorities. The affected Orang Asli also sought a declaration under Article 11 of the Constitution of Malaysia that they have the right to practice the religion of their choice and to build their own prayer house.

copy from :

fig.1 the male Orang Asli

fig.2house of Orang Asli
fig.3 house of orang asli

fig.4 the citizen playing the traditional instrument

fig 5 is the flowchart
Application using: Adobe Photoshop, , Adobe Flash, Adobe illustrator
the size of application:1024 x 768
title for the application: survivor in the jungle
Before we use the application we will have a short introduction for the application(short movie, animation)the purpose of this introduction is to drag the attention of the audience to use my application
there are 4 main page for my application:
(information on thier culture life)
(showing photo on thier daily life)
(what they use for thier daily life)
Audio:Malaysia traditional music.(malaysia instrument. not like guitar, piano)
color style:earth colour
font:strong font(bold, reason for choosing this kind of font is show the life of orang asli is hard)
style:still image + graphic(button)

fig 6 is the Mind map for this application

Gantt chart
Week 5 Proposal&concept pitch
Week 6 Proposal, Concept, Project Planning
Week 7 DM trip to tasek Bera( take Photo , do visual gathering and field research)

Week 8 Research and Documentation
Week 9 Sketch, make decision on concept and design
Week 10 Execution(content Design and Filtering, Digital Screen Design
Week 11 Execution(consultation)interaction & navigation Design
Week 12 Execution( consultation)Troubleshoot and Self-Evaluation
Week 13 Project Submission(web-blog,interactive CD and A2 concept Board